About me…


Head of Digital (Strategy & Content) at Broadcaster Production Company

Pipo Serrano is a Journalist specialized in Radio, TV and Digital Journalism. After more that 15 years working in radio (Onda Cero, Rac1, Punto Radio, Catalunya Radio, RNE) he decided to join a new adventure on TV collaborating in different shows but mainly in 8tv. Initially as the specialist on new technology, mobile disruption and new media and after 3 years, in 2015 joining the team of ‘8 al dia’ with Josep Cuní, one of the most respected anchors in Catalonia, Spain. His goal was to transform a traditional newsroom and the mind-sets of 50 people into a more digital and modern team to tell stories on digital first and on TV afterwards. In September 2015 he started spreading the word about MOJO with his team, and immediately doing some coverage and footage with it. The team “mojo-covered” 2 Spanish elections, the American elections, the refugee crisis in Iraq and Greece, the terrorist attacks in Paris, Nice and Berlin and many other daily stories. Apart from that, in April 2017 he published two books with an importance presence of MoJo. Right now, he is transforming many projects (TV, Documentaries, Corporative Communication into MOJO and digital workflows)

Lastly, since 2009 he teaches Digital Journalism to American students in a joint venture of Pompeu Fabra University & University of New Haven (CEA), and he is professor of the “Master of Journalism Bcn_NY” of the School of Journalism of Columbia University & Barcelona University.

COMPANY: Broadcaster (Production Company)

Website: www.broadcaster.media   / www.piposerrano.com



+ info [CV / Resume]


CURRICULUM (Castellano)


7 comentarios sobre “About me…

  1. Hola Pipo, ja des de Rac1 que et segueixo la pista, m’agrada molt tot el que fas. No t’havia vist mai i avui t’he buscat al google imatges per veure quina cara feies (la fas molt bona), i he descobert el teu bloc.
    Segueix amb la teva confusió i els teus anàlisis.
    Felicita també al Pere Mas, vaig trobar molt a falta al Carles Perez i el Pere me’l recorda molt.

    Ei!, tenim una cosa en comú: el disseny del bloc (tema)

    Una abraçada de la Llúcia d’Ordal

  2. Hola Pipo. He descubert avui mateix el teu bloc. No sé si es possible el meu suggeriment, però vaja t’ho dic…Seria posible publicar les dades d’auciència del baròmetre de la mateixa forma en que ho has fet alguna vegada amb l’EGM ? estaria bé tenir les audiències com una etiqueta, no ? Seria molt visual, i fins i tot molt subersiu…donat el pa que s’hi dona.

  3. Bon dia Pipo,

    Agrair – te, no només que passessiu la App pel 8 al dia, sinó el tracte que li vas donar.
    Seguim ampliant (a la web ja hi tenim servei d’interpretació per sords 24h i aviat arribarà a l’app) i seguim fent acords amb Gremis i altres empreses interessades. Anem molt forts i estem encantats.
    Moltes gràcies!

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